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Faced with government transphobia,



Soumettre un projet d’événement à Nous ne serons pas sages

Submit an event project to “Nous Ne Serons Pas Sages” (We Will Not Stay Quiet)

Last March, activists involved in the campaign against the Caquist government's committee of the “wise” submitted a project to the Rainbow Resilience Fund centered around organizing community events. The project was funded up to $25,000, and we're now aiming to collaborate with other trans activists to promote mobilization and skill-sharing around trans issues.

25 mai – Nous ne nous laisserons pas faire!

May 25th - We won't let this happen!

On May 25, starting at 8 a.m., let's join the counter-protest to defend the humanity of trans youth!

Cette contre-manifestation est une réponse au rassemblement organisé par Ensemble pour protéger nos enfants, un groupe qui s’oppose à «l’idéologie de genre» et à l’enseignement de l’éducation sexuelle dans les écoles sous le douteux prétexte de défendre les «droits parentaux», c’est-à-dire le contrôle des parents sur leurs enfants. C’est ce même groupe qui avait organisé les manifestations transphobes du 20 septembre et 21 octobre derniers. Leur rassemblement a lieu à 9h, arrivons avant elleux!

We demand trans liberation. In doing so, we aim to build a world that welcomes diversity and defends the right to bodily autonomy. We also want to create a society that supports people in exploring and affirming their gender. We believe that freeing ourselves from the imposition of strict gender binary is beneficial for the whole population, cis and trans alike. We will continue to fight for a world that does not sow discomfort, unease, and hatred, but nurtures joy and euphoria. 

We call for a movement against the CAQ and its committee of so-called “wisemen.”

Upcoming Events

9 juin, 13h, CCGV :
Atelier NNSPS à Brûlances!

More dates to come!

Are you also organizing actions against the "comité de sages"? Contact us so we can share them and add them to the calendar!