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On February 5th, 2024, we have launched the "We Will Not Stay Quiet" campaign, calling for the dissolution of the "comité de sages," or "committee of wisemen," within a wider goal of trans liberation.

The "comité de sages"?

This past December, in response to the media frenzy about accommodations for trans people in schools and inclusive sex education which made headlines in the fall, the CAQ created committee of three cisgender (non-trans) people many of whom have connections to known transphobic groups. 

This is not the first time this government has attempted to roll back queer and trans rights. After introducing Bill 2, which tried (and failed) to send trans rights 15 years in the past. After removing the Office to Combat Homophobia and Transphobia from the mandate of the Ministry of Justice. It is once again folding to pressure from the conservative far-right by creating a committee to treat the "trans question", to decide the future of trans people, not for us, but against us. 

Our response

Members of the community have joined forces to organize a resistance. A coalition comprising queer, trans, and feminist activists, as well as organizations such as P!nk Bloc, TRAPs, Queer McGill, and the FFQ, has formed. 

On February 5th, we are launching a call to action already endorsed by two dozen organizations. We aim to bring together our communities to organize against the right-wing backlash. We wish to energize the fight for the self-determination of trans communities. Our campaign will be decentralized and will push for a diversity of tactics. We encourage you to organize activities and to create autonomous local committees. We hope for widespread and diverse participation, everywhere in so called “Quebec.”

We will not let the CAQ decide the place of trans people in public life, and we will continue to fight for our safety, our dignity, and our autonomy.

Want to join your efforts with ours? Now is the time! Sign the manifesto and join us!


Taking about us!

Quelques apparitions des militant-es de la campagne dans les médias :