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May 25th - We won't let this happen!

On May 25, starting at 8 a.m., let's join the counter-protest to defend the humanity of trans youth!

This counter-demonstration is a response to the rally organized by Ensemble pour protéger nos enfants, a group that opposes "gender ideology" and the teaching of sex education in schools under the dubious pretext of defending "parental rights", i.e. parents' control over their children. This is the same group that organized the transphobic demonstrations on September 20 and October 21. Their rally takes place at 9 a.m., so let's get there before they do!

At a time when conservative or reactionary opposition to the rights of trans people continues to grow, we must once again reiterate our right and desire to exist. It's a struggle we must wage, not only for ourselves, but also for all the trans people who have fought for our liberation, and above all, for the future, fulfillment and self-determination of trans youth.

Comrades and allies, let's show up in numbers!

This event will take place near the liberated zone for Palestine at McGill University. We are in solidarity with Palestine and invite you to bring Palestinian flags.

Place : 2001 ave McGill College, Montréal QC
Date : Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Time : starting 8AM, until 2PM
Facebook Event :

A few reminders from the organizers :

  • Arrive on time and stay as long as you can. We'll be on site until at least 1pm.
  • If you can't make it until later, you're welcome too! We're likely to stay put
  • Wear a mask! As a measure against COVID, but also to protect yourself from state surveillance and doxxing. A cap and sunglasses are also recommended.
  • Come as a group if possible. You can also join one of the contingents that will be formed.
  • Pay attention to your protest chants! "Go home" is an Islamophobic chant
  • Avoid talking to transphobes, media or police.
  • Bring a water bottle and things to make noise!

Some info to help prepare :

Check out Pink Bloc's trans defense guide

To find the place :

See you on Saturday!