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NEW LOCATION - May 4th, queer bloc party

While the liberated zone of the McGill encampement will celebrate its first week of existence this saturday, we wanted to modify a bit our event to offer them our support!

Join us on saturday at 2 pm in front of the camp to eat free food, to talk about your militant perspectives and to celebrate the strength of our collective resistance!

We reject the pinkwashing that wants to oppose us to the liberation of Palestine in the face of Israel's genocide and colonialisim. We refuse that our identities be instrumentalise by the states and the right to uphold their violent projects.

We are queer, we are here and we will participate in every liberation struggle.

None of us are free until all of us are free.

Workshop : What is pinkwashing?
How can we interconnect all our struggles against oppressions?

We will host a short workshop to help understand the tactics of pinkwashing used by the liberal states, capitalists and zionist discourses.
We will exchange on different possibilities to resist this discourse and create a revolutionnary vision for connecting our struggles by surpassing identity politics.