Where: UQAM DS-R510
When: February 18th 11h30AM
Le dimanche 18 février, se tiendra la première assemblée publique de mobilisation de la campagne. Tous les groupes et personnes qui souhaitent s’impliquer dans la lutte pour la dissolution du comité de « sages » sont invitées! L’idée est de permettre aux gens de se rencontrer, d’échanger, de former des comités et de coordonner des initiatives populaires, d’élargir notre coalition, et d’encourager les initiatives autonomes.
This first meeting will be held in Montreal, but we aim to encourage these types of initiatives across the province. The first half of the day will take the form of a general assembly, and the second half will focus on working in smaller groups.
A meal will be provided
How to get there : The address is 320 Ste-Catherine East. The room is on the ground floor. Enter by the door that says "École des sciences de la gestion" and take the corridor to follow the red wall (in front of the large windows) until you reach room R-510.
For any questions regarding accessibility, contact the coalition at nous@pas-sages.info
Don't be shy: our strength is in numbers!