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29-31 March Activities

La grande manif s’en vient et on a quelques annonces à faire : autobus vers Montréal, précisions sur la manif, activités d’après-manif et autres activités de la fin de semaine!
On a trois jours de mobilisations et rassemblement féministes et queers devant nous!

Face à la transphobie du gouvernement, nous ne serons pas sages!

Campaign launch

Today, February 5th, 2024, we have launched the "We Will Not Stay Quiet" campaign, calling for the dissolution of the "comité de sages," or "committee of wisemen," within a wider goal of trans liberation. We aim to bring together our communities to organize against the right-wing backlash. We wish to energize the fight for the self-determination of trans communities. Our campaign will be decentralized and is part of a diversity of tactics. We hope for a wide and diverse participation, everywhere in so called “Quebec”...